
Welcome to our Express Line e-Store!

Check-All Valve is excited to now offer online purchasing for our Express Linecheck valves. These are standard, stocked check valves that can ship within 2 business days of receipt of your completed order.
Due to the many ordering combinations FULL Service Line check valves are NOT available through the e-Store, at this time ONLY the Express Line check valves are available.   Give us a call 515-224-2301 or email us sales@epiccheckvalves.com for price, delivery and all your order processing needs.

If you are interested in becoming an EPIC® distributor please contact us for more information.

We want you to get the best possible pricing so, EPIC® orders of $2500 (net) or more may be eligible for discounts by emailing sales@epiccheckvalves.com or calling 1-515-224-2301.

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